What are the common problems in the construction of sesame black stone?

  As a common decoration stone, sesame black stone is often seen in many large construction projects. However, sesame black stone is very important in the construction process. If you don't pay attention to it, it will often cause sesame black pollution and damage. What are the common problems in the construction process of sesame black stone? Next, let's take a look with the small editor of Fabulous Group.


  1. Uneven color of decorative panel surface

  The main reason is that the trial assembly, numbering and careful selection are not stopped before construction.

  2. Wall pollution:

  The adhesive tape is not pasted or the adhesive tape is scattered during gluing and pointing, and the liquidation is not stopped in time after gluing, resulting in wall pollution, which can be stopped by scraping with a knife or a knife. The liquidation and scrubbing shall be stopped from top to bottom before completion.

  3. The line angle is not straight, the seam grid is uneven, and the wall surface is uneven

  The main reason is that the actual construction size was not checked carefully according to the drawing before construction, the position was not accurate when the keel welding was stopped, the incoming material size was not checked carefully according to the processing drawing size, the processing size was incorrect, and the work was improper during construction. If the line angle is not straight and the seam is uneven, the incoming data shall be strictly stopped for inspection, and the unqualified data shall not be used; If the line angle is not straight and the wall surface is uneven, the correction shall be stopped through enhanced inspection during construction.

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